Should we be more 'Self-Centered'?

I like to give. Giving feels good. Giving to others has always been a constant in my life. Sharing with siblings, serving in the community, gift giving, or giving support. Don't you? Why are we so ready to give? (Okay, maybe I should stop making assumptions that we are all ready to give, but I am noticing that it's a pattern in health and medicine). Is there an element of giving that may be a subconscious (or conscious) escape for us? A way to avoid personal confrontation or personal struggle? I give to you. This feels good. Because as a result, you feel good. And this is a beautiful thing. However, by constantly giving our services, we tend to lose touch with our own agenda and needs. Beyond this, our services may actually be disservices if we are not mindful, whole, and self-centered. Are my services to you the best possible service (the best, in terms of what I can give - cause, of course, that's subjective) and most genuine? I've have many conversations on...