The Internal Stuggle of Being a Bystander

I think all my peers would agree that it is a constant struggle to watch the verbal and physical abuse that exists on the public transportation system in Philadelphia. We've had many conversations about how this affects us while transporting to our host sites and how we feel hopeless in the watching. This is typically occurring from parent to child, but it also happens between two couples or among teenagers. This morning I watched a young mother drag her child up the stairs from the subway station. A child being scolded for talking or saying the wrong thing. It would be erroneous for me to assume that all of these parents are "bad parents" because of the parenting style that I've witnessed. Stress, financial instability, and lack of support are just a few of the compiling factors that may contribute to this snap that I witness daily on transit. Aren't they doing the best they can? It's also easy to forget (especially not being a parent) that kids, while...