A Series of (Un)fortunate Events

And I'm not referencing the Lemony Snicket child book series. These last months have been tumultuous. Mostly the last couple weeks. Not in the worst kind of way, but just in a way of disarray and craziness. Throughout it all, I am: 1) grateful; 2) pleased; 3) looking forward; 4) scared shitless. I have thought about a million topics I wanted to write about. I have stretched, wrote poems, wrote about conflict, learning more about gender identity (or letting go of identity), friendship, lovers, adventure, and hardship. The hilarious 72-hour escapade: - locked my keys in my car in Island Beach State Park (where is my bottle opener? oh...no...) - got soaked in a wondrous humid thunderstorm on the beach, with my beautiful friend Arianna - ran to the car. disheveled, sand everywhere, partly dressed. - pulled over by the "Berkeley Township" police - barefoot. seriously, I was speeding through a state park. My bad. Got out with a city ordinance. thank you. -...