Feed Me Right

Screaming, moaning for more.
dancing at those tips,
as the latissimus dorsi swells,
and you thrust from the earth.
I watch the beauty, the flawlessness, it's magic to my eyes --
rhythm, i ache.

and the colors fill the the canvas.
splayed, splashed, with brights and neutrals
your brush, your stroke, creates an epic display
my eyes dilate, pounding my corazón. 

and crash!
the cymbals, and the bass echoes 
with a bead of sweat that falls, 
your head, to the beat
the set feeds, you feed the set.
an orchestra to the Soul.

my right side is eager
crying, desperate --
for more, for change.

our destiny is in our hands, our souls.

with movement, a stroke, a sound -- 
it's alive, 
we're alive.


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