
Showing posts from August, 2015

90 West

Your CDs don't work, as I drive West. But the podcasts keep me company, as I peer out on the Minnesota land. The Mississippi River shines below, and South Dakota says hello. Great places, great faces - into an unknown abyss. Shiny purple rocks in Lake Superior, linger in my mind. The land of 10,000 lakes behind, I used my compass to guide me home. Your CDs don't work, but I can find more to consume. Sylvan Esso and the Shins, too. Mostly This American Life. Badlands and the Black Hills, a juxtaposed South Dakota scape. Blissed with cloud coverage, and sunsets on lakes. Coffee shops look all the same, all the different. Caffeine. Spearfish, where am I? Smiles fill the room, chatter. Your CDs don't work, and you push me away, and we argue and embrace. colors of my face. I continue West to the mountains, where I can get lost in the trees. alone, it feels good. so just let me be.


It wasn't until I hit the Canadian border that I realized I was actually entering another country. Oh yeah, roaming. Oh yeah, no USD.  Oh yeah, French street signs.  As I wondered to a free electric festival in downtown with some Quebecers, I realized how French of a provence Quebec is. However, once at the fest, there was a moment when I was in a circle with: a woman from Columbia, a woman from Jordan, many French dudes, a few Quebeccers, and a woman from LA. Then I see a man with a San Jose Sharks hat on, standing on a platform about 10 yards away. Soon after, I see he is wearing a Sharks sweatshirt too. He was asking for me to talk to him. I run up to him and ask him if he's from San Jose. "The East Bay," he responds. Small world. Francophone or Anglophone wasn't a concept I was too familiar with, although aware of its existence. Now I get it. I'm in awe of this scenic place, with a canal lined with greenery AND industrial derelick buildings. E...

Burlington, VT

A beautiful Vermont town,  tucked away near Lake Champlain. True to its name, a real Green state, With the most voluminous cumulus clouds. A multitude of brews,  Beers for days and bikes, too. A natural market like the rest and good-looking friendly folk. Ascent to Sterling Pond,  with Heady Topper on the mind and a cute Beagle to keep us company, then the rain appeared. Wet smells, fresh air -  and a surprise snake with a mouthful of frog. The view at the top, and cool water on my body. A simple rainbow,  a double one to grace our presence! Just appears, effortlessly.  Hello! I like this place.  It's like a lot of other progressive towns:  Santa Cruz, Madison, Portland.  People impress me. Saratoga Springs then here, then there. Many unknown stops, unfamiliar to familiar faces, August light.