Burlington, VT

A beautiful Vermont town, 
tucked away near Lake Champlain.
True to its name, a real Green state,
With the most voluminous cumulus clouds.

A multitude of brews, 
Beers for days and bikes, too.
A natural market like the rest
and good-looking friendly folk.

Ascent to Sterling Pond, 
with Heady Topper on the mind
and a cute Beagle to keep us company,
then the rain appeared.

Wet smells, fresh air - 
and a surprise snake with a mouthful of frog.
The view at the top,
and cool water on my body.

A simple rainbow, 
a double one to grace our presence!
Just appears, effortlessly. 

I like this place. 
It's like a lot of other progressive towns: 
Santa Cruz, Madison, Portland. 
People impress me.

Saratoga Springs then here, then there.
Many unknown stops, unfamiliar
to familiar faces,
August light.


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